diumenge, 18 de març del 2012

Mr. Annan, Syria is dying

Dear Mr. Annan, 
You, as secretary of the United Nations, has proven to the whole world that you do not deserve to represent the role you have been designed to fulfil.
I honestly do not know how you can sleep every single night knowing what is happening in Syria, allowing that one dictator may kill, with your acknowledgement, thousands of innocents.
The image of you, going there to supposedly stop that genocide and leave without any solution proves that you are not capable to honour the entity you represent.
If you pretend that you simply could not make it because the power of some countries does not allow you to do it, then, at least, as an honest person, you should have resigned, proving the world that principles are on top of the personal position.
This way you could show the world that only honesty and truth can take us to a better world.
I know that you will never read this post and my message will be not go far but I have learned myself that one voice, here and there, becomes a louder voice and sooner or later our  joined voices will win, it is a question of time.
In the meantime, remember, in Syria, today few more people will die and you will be almost as responsible as the dictator.
Have a nice rest, if you can.

2 comentaris:

Miquel Saumell ha dit...

I fully agree with your message, George.
Per cert, Jordi, demà dilluns sortiràs a el radar, si més no d’una manera indirecta. Qui avisa...

jordir ha dit...

Agraït i m'imagino per on poden venir els trons